PURPOSE: To evaluate power by measuring exit speed of the baseball and create an atmosphere where hitting the ball hard on a line is essential. When players receive instant feedback on each hit, they will learn to make adjustments to hit the ball even harder.
EQUIPMENT: Batting Tee, Net, Bushnell Radar Gun SET-UP: Coach sets up with a radar gun behind a net that the hitter will hit into. EXECUTION: Player simply hits the ball off the batting tee into the net. Coach will be behind the net with the radar gun to get a read in MPH to measure the exit speed of the baseball. Players will recognize right away that hitting a hard line drive will produce higher readings. MODIFICATION: If a net is unavailable, the coach can stand behind home plate in order to measure exit speed. COACHING TIPS: Measure each players exit speed at the beginning, middle, and end of the season so they can see their improvement. Have players do 10 in a row and find out the average. Have a contest amongst your team. "Did you know that adding 1 MPH to your exit speed equates to adding about 5 feet to your hit."
-Coach Tim |
Check out the Radar Gun Fun Drill Video!
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