PURPOSE: To enhance ability to handle and get on top of the high pitch. To minimize pop ups and strike outs and increase power production on balls up in the zone.
EQUIPMENT: Balls, Batting Tee, Net SET-UP: Batting Tee is set at the very top of the strike zone or even higher. EXECUTION: Batter places ball on tee at the top of the strike zone and hits ball with emphasis on getting on top of the baseball and driving a hard line drive. Player should avoid dropping the bat head as they approach the baseball. Once player can consistently get on top of the baseball the tee can get raised even higher. If players are able to handle pitches at shoulder level, then hitting a high strike will seem easy. MODIFICATIONS: If batting tee cannot extend high enough, tee can be placed on top of a bucket. "I can't go to a game without hearing someone say, "Lay off the high ones!", the fact is players accidentally swing at high pitches all the time, so my philosophy is you mind as well be good at it."
-Coach Tim |
Check out the High Tee Drill Video!