ooNPURPOSE: To increase bat speed and create the quickest/shortest path to the baseball.
EQUIPMENT: Balls and Marker (cone, poly spot) SET-UP: Player will take stance at plate and prepare to hit soft tosses given by coach. A marker should also be placed approximately 10-15 feet in front of home plate. This drill works best hitting in a batting cage or in an open area. EXECUTION: When performing this soft toss drill, hitters will do sets of 3 soft tosses. Coach soft tosses 1 ball to player as they attempt to get their bat to the zone as quick as possible and hit the ball hard towards the marker that is 10-15 feet out in front of them. Once one swing is done player get back into stance instantly as second toss will beon its way, player repeats and does a total of 3 soft tosses. Due to the quickness of tosses, players must execute this drill with no stride. COACHING TIPS: Since this is a pure bat speed drill coaches may want to have younger players choke up a little so they can get the bat through the zone in a quick manner. "Players sometimes feel like they are practicing to hit grounders in this drill, but the fact is most players, even when thinking about driving the ball hard and down, end up hitting line drives during the drill. It is a neat eye opener for kids as they realize getting the bat straight to the hit zone produces line drive swing." -Coach Tim |
Check out the Quick Soft Toss Drill Video!
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