ooNPURPOSE: To enhance hand eye coordination and increase bat speed.
EQUIPMENT: Mini Whiffle balls, hitting stick, hitting net SET-UP: Player will take stance at plate and prepare to hit soft tosses given by coach. Player can hit into a net/fence or out into the open field. EXECUTION: Coach soft tosses mini ball and player strives to make solid contact. Because both the ball and hitting stick are much smaller in surface area, hand eye coordination will certainly be challenged. As player swings they will also be developing more bat speed as they whip their hitting stick through the zone. MODIFICATIONS: If hitting stick is unavailable or players is struggling to make contact, a regular bat can be used. COACHING TIP: Go to your local hardware store and buy a wood dowel for just a few buck, this makes an excellent hitting stick. Use tape to build a knob to avoid stick flying from player's hands.
"Many people think swinging a weighted bat can develop bat speed, when actually swinging a lighter bat will lead to quicker results, this is called OVERSPEED TRAINING. When your muscles practice at a speed faster then accustomed, they remember what it feels like, thus leading to more bat speed. " -Coach Tim |
Check out the Mini Ball Soft Toss Drill Video!
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