PURPOSE: To enhance outfielders to track down fly balls and soft liners no matter what direction they are hit.
EQUIPMENT: Bucket of Baseballs, 4 cones SET-UP: Coach sets up a square area by putting a cone at each corner, the size of the square will be determined by age/ability of player and how high the coach throws the pop ups and fly balls. A 40 ft. by 40 ft. square is a good starting point and adjustments can be made. Outfielder positions themselves in the center of the square. Coach stands outside approximately 10 feet outside the square facing the outfielder. EXECUTION: Coach begins by throwing a pop up anywhere in the squared off area, player must run and make the catch. Once player catches the ball they should flip the ball out of the playing area and prepare to make the next catch. As the player makes the catch the coach instantly throws up another ball in the air challenging the outfielder to make yet another great play. Coach continues this process covering all areas of the square and making the outfielder react and instantly make plays. Once the ball hits the ground within the square the turn is over. COACHING TIP: Make sure to stress to the outfielder once the catch is made to toss ball out of area so they do not trip on any baseballs within the square. "This drill is called grenade saver because the outfielder acts as if they are not allowing grenades to land within their area and quickly toss them out of the square. It is guaranteed your players will love this drill."
-Coach Tim |
Check out the Grenade Saver Drill Video!
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