PURPOSE: To prepare players for game play by increasing ball transfer speed, reinforce catching with two hands, and emphasize the importance of accurate throws.
EQUIPMENT: Glove and Ball SET-UP: Depending on age/ability, players should be approximately 30-60 feet apart. EXECUTION: Players attempt to throw the ball back and forth to one another as fast as possible. As players receive the ball they should have their fingertips up making a target for their partner. Players strive to catch the ball with two hands and transfer the ball into their throwing hand quickly. When they return the throw they should attempt to have quick feet and in addition point their front shoulder to their partner. Players should also concentrate on making very accurate throws to the partner's chest, as it is very difficult to catch and throw quickly when the throw is inaccurate. COACHING TIPS: It is highly recommended to have players either do a timed challenge (they see how many throws they can make in a certain time period) or race against teammates to certain amount of throws. Mini challenges and competitions are much more fun and also make practice seem more game like. "During games players rarely have the luxury of taking their time to make a catch and throw, the Rapid Fire Drill will get players game ready by having them work on playing catch at a rapid pace."
-Coach Tim |
Check out the Rapid Fire Drill Video!