How to Throw Better Batting Practice
By: Tim Thoreson
Luckily I was blessed with the ability to throw great batting practice, I feel I could groove strikes all day long. But for whatever reason, there are MANY coaches who really struggle to throw good batting practice. Hitters rely on the coaches ability to throw good BP in order to have productive batting practice sessions. When coaches have the ability to be accurate with their pitches, they can pitch to both sides of the plate, which allows the hitter to practice hitting pitches on the inner and outer half. Accurate Batting Practice Pitching also allows coaches to speed up practice by spending less time on each hitter. If you are one of these coaches who would like to improve your ability to throw batting practice, here are a few suggestions.
Execute the Throwing Progression
I strongly believe that all players should execute the Throwing Progression when warming up. This will ensure players properly warm up but also helps develop perfect throwing mechanics. I also believe coaches could become much better BP throwers by practicing this progression as well. Not only will coaches effectively warm up and reinforce good mechanics, but the Throwing Progression is very similar to batting practice as it involves throwing from a shorter distance at less of a speed. So coaches, the next time you have your players play catch, do it with them. I bet after a few weeks of executing the throwing progression your Batting Practice will improve.
Execute the Throwing Progression
I strongly believe that all players should execute the Throwing Progression when warming up. This will ensure players properly warm up but also helps develop perfect throwing mechanics. I also believe coaches could become much better BP throwers by practicing this progression as well. Not only will coaches effectively warm up and reinforce good mechanics, but the Throwing Progression is very similar to batting practice as it involves throwing from a shorter distance at less of a speed. So coaches, the next time you have your players play catch, do it with them. I bet after a few weeks of executing the throwing progression your Batting Practice will improve.
Set Up a Batting Tee for a Target
Sometimes it is difficult throwing strikes without a target, after all, pitchers have catchers that give them specific targets. Setting up a batting tee just behind home plate can give a coach a visual for where to throw the pitch, this little trick can really help. Sometimes if I really want to work the corners of the plate when throwing BP, I will even set up two tees behind home, one in direct line with each corner. This really helps me zone in on where I want to throw the pitch.
Sometimes it is difficult throwing strikes without a target, after all, pitchers have catchers that give them specific targets. Setting up a batting tee just behind home plate can give a coach a visual for where to throw the pitch, this little trick can really help. Sometimes if I really want to work the corners of the plate when throwing BP, I will even set up two tees behind home, one in direct line with each corner. This really helps me zone in on where I want to throw the pitch.
Still Struggling?
If you are still struggling finding the strike zone, then I recommend reverting to front toss. The front toss is still a vey effective way for hitters to take batting practice as it allows them to hit a ball coming from straight ahead. To execute front toss coaches flip the ball underhand to the hitter from a fairly close distance, 15-20 ft. Coach should flip the L-screen so they are standing behind the tall portion of the screen. Front toss will allow coaches to consistently throw strikes during batting practice and even hit corners.
Coaches, I hope these tips help. Just as your players need practice on their skills, you too can improve your ability to throw BP by practicing. ALL hitters certainly appreciate when their coaches can throw great batting practice!
If you are still struggling finding the strike zone, then I recommend reverting to front toss. The front toss is still a vey effective way for hitters to take batting practice as it allows them to hit a ball coming from straight ahead. To execute front toss coaches flip the ball underhand to the hitter from a fairly close distance, 15-20 ft. Coach should flip the L-screen so they are standing behind the tall portion of the screen. Front toss will allow coaches to consistently throw strikes during batting practice and even hit corners.
Coaches, I hope these tips help. Just as your players need practice on their skills, you too can improve your ability to throw BP by practicing. ALL hitters certainly appreciate when their coaches can throw great batting practice!
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Good Luck Coaches!
Tim Thoreson
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