PURPOSE: To enhance outfielders ability to go back on deep fly balls. Increase athleticism. A great warm up drill to start off practice or in between tournament games.
EQUIPMENT: Baseballs SET-UP: Each players grabs their own baseball and heads to the outfield. Players form lines of 4-6 behind a coach or teammate starting at the outfield foul line facing towards center field. EXECUTION: When it is a players turn they sprint straight out looking over their shoulder, coach (or teammate) will then throw a lead pass to them much like a quarterback would to a wide receiver. There are 3 versions of this drill, Glove Side (player runs and catches ball on glove side) Backhand Side (player runs and catches ball on backhand side) and Advanced (player looks over one shoulder, ball is thrown over opposite shoulder, player must turn and find ball and make the catch). MODIFICATIONS: For developing players, use tennis balls or softies instead of baseballs. COACHING TIP: At higher levels, have your catchers be the quarterbacks for this drill. "Our College Baseball Team did the Lead Pass Drill at the beginning of almost every practice, what a fun and effective way of warming up."
-Coach Tim |
Check out the Lead Pass Drill Video!
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