PURPOSE: To quicken up hands and increase athleticism. To make game play easy by challenging oneself in practice.
EQUIPMENT: Glove and Ball SET-UP: Depending on age/ability, players should be approximately 30-60 feet apart. EXECUTION: Players throw the ball back and forth to one another as fast as possible. As player catches the ball, they bring the glove behind their back. The throwing hand also reaches behind the back in order to grab ball out of glove. Once the transfer is made player returns the throw. MODIFICATIONS: Players could also try under the leg transfer, or be creative. Players will love switching it up a bit during practice and trying some new drills. COACHING TIPS: To make this drill even more fun and effective put your players in a competitive situation by having them race to a certain number or throws or set up a timed challenge where players count out how many throws they can make in an allotted time. "Any player can transfer the ball in front of themselves. When players try new and difficult skills during practice they increase their athleticism, make game play seem easy, and gain confidence."
-Coach Tim |
Check out the Behind the Back Transfer Drill Video!